McClure Archives Museum Sample Tour
Current Exhibitions
"Vodou: Ritual, Myth, and Remediation" scheduled to be displayed at the University of Central Missouri
The UCM McClure Archives and University Museum will showcase the 2025 exhibition entitled "Vodou: Ritual, Myth, and Remediation," which opens January 20th and continues through May. The displayed items comprise of sacred artifacts originating from Africa and its diaspora, carefully selected to highlight the religious and artistic expressions of these areas. Vodou is not just a belief but a lifestyle that captures generations of cultural heritage, including folklore, songs, proverbs, and indigenous medicines. Essentially, their spirituality is a complex blend of African theology with Catholic influences, focusing on divination, nature worship, and ancestor veneration. More importantly, Vodou is one of the earliest forms of mental therapy that plays a significant role in traditional African healing practices. "Vodou" offers visitors a unique experience, guiding them through the mysteries of this spiritual tradition while dispelling the myths and misconceptions that often cloud its reputation.
Museum hours are from 8 am to 4 pm. Hope to see you there!
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